How to contact Microsheen Corporation The Microsheen Team looks forward to serving you! For immediate assistance, please give us a call at 216-481-5610 during our business hours, or you can contact us anytime with this quick and easy form. We'll get back to you as quickly as possible with answers to your questions, parts quote or inquiry. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Contact Number (required) Company Name Address City, State & Zip Code Fax Number PLEASE SEND MY CONTACT INFORMATION TO MICROSHEEN >>> Quote Your Job In order for us to provide the most accurate information, you MUST include a detailed print/fax, drawing/photo or sample of the part(s) you need quoted. Microsheen's FAX number is 216-481-2046. Attach electronic files/prints below. Part Number Identification Part Name Description Size (LxWxH) Material Weight per piece Finish Specifications Quantity for Quotation Annual Volume Shipment Quantity Delivery Requirements .Important or specific instructions Attach electronic files/prints (8 MB max.) Back to the top Microsheen Location 1100 East 222nd StreetEuclid, OH 44117